There were over 40 entries submitted by Linslade Galaxy FC players to design the Club's kit for next season. The creative talent was impressive with a very wide range of concepts, patterns and inspirations.
It certainly wasn't an easy job for the Club's committee to whittle these entries down to the final five. These entries were then sent to MG Sportswear, who have turned these designs into digital images - really bringing to life the quality of our finalists. Please see the attached document to view the five designs that have reached this final stage.
We now move to the final stage, where all current players can have their vote on which two kits they like the best, with their first preference earning two points and their second preference one point.
Players have until 10 p.m. on Sunday June 9th to vote - so please get those votes in quickly. There is only one vote per player.
In order to vote, players will need to follow this link and then simply say your name, the team you play for, and which design you like the most and second most:
Linslade Galaxy FC kit competition
The overall winner will not only see their design worn by all players over the next couple of seasons, but will also be offered a trip to MG Sportswear themselves and see the design and manufacturing process of their winning kit!
So, let's get voting - and the best of luck to all our designers who have reached this stage. They are all great designs that would do the Club proud!